Social Work through UAF, B.S.W.

Graduates in social work qualify for beginning practice positions in child welfare, mental health, services for the aged, family agencies, youth programs, health services, Native corporations and other social agencies. Social work applies knowledge in the behavioral sciences to deal with the emotional and social problems of individuals, families and communities.

The curriculum includes a liberal arts base, foundation requirements in the behavioral sciences, and sequences in social policy and services, practical methods and field instruction. A major emphasis is the preparation of the student for beginning social work practice with rural and Alaska Native populations. Qualified students will complete a 400 hour practicum in a community social service agency in their senior year.

Delivery Courses are accessible throughout the state using a variety of e-Learning techniques including audio conferences and face-to-face seminars. This means students in rural regions of the state may be able to acquire the BA Social Work degree without relocating to a major campus of the university.

Complete general and core requirements for the B.A. degree in Communication Skills, Humanities and the Social Sciences; Perspectives on the Human Condition; Mathematics or Computer Science and Natural Science.

Refer to the UAF Academic Catalog for the complete listing and all the degree requirements.