Sex- and Gender-Based Discrimination/Title IX

Title IX is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. In compliance with Title IX, the Office of Rights, Compliance, and Accountability (ORCA) receives reports of sex- and gender- based harassment and/or discrimination regarding students, faculty, staff, or campus visitors. Reporting to ORCA helps to facilitate a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which educational programs, employment, and activities are free of discrimination and harassment. The University of Alaska Sex- and Gender-Based Discrimination Policy applies to students and employees.

Pregnancy and childbirth are protected under Title VII, Title IX, and UAS Policy 01.02. For more information and to request accommodations visit the Disability Services' Pregnancy Accommodations page.

The UAS ORCA website can be accessed at:

The UAS Title IX website can be accessed at:

Sex- and Gender-Based Discrimination Policy

The Board of Regents of the University of Alaska System affirms its commitment to a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which education programs and activities are free of discrimination on the basis of sex. The board further affirms its commitment to respond appropriately to sexual harassment and sexual violence, in accordance with applicable law as amended from time to time, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in employment), Alaska Statute 18.80, and due process of law.

  1. Chancellors will have primary responsibility for a campus educational and workplace climate free from discrimination and intimidation based on sex, and for appropriate and timely response to sexual harassment and sexual violence at their respective universities, including extended sites;
  2. Chancellors will provide updates to the board regarding compliance with this sex discrimination and sexual misconduct policy at least bi-annually in December and June and more often as required by circumstances; and
  3. The president will ensure system oversight and coordination among the universities in implementing this policy.

The full policy and regulation (Chapter 01.04) can be found: 

University of Alaska Board of Regents website:

To make a Title IX report, please visit the UAS Title IX website:

Title IX Reporting and Resources

Reports of sex or gender-based discrimination can be submitted to a Title IX Coordinator in person, by email, in writing, or by telephone to the contacts below. Anonymous, informal, or unsigned complaints or reports are permitted, but they may not initiate the university’s grievance process and significantly limit the Title IX staff’s ability to investigate and provide supportive measures. 

Anyone who wishes to seek university information or support in a confidential manner may contact a confidential resource. Confidential resources will not share information about any individual or received from any individual without their express written permission unless imminent threat to life or bodily injury exists, or there is a legal obligation to reveal such information. Going to a confidential resource will not put the university on notice of a specific allegation. To access a list of confidential resources, please visit:

The Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinator are trained to assist in responding to reports of gender-based or sexual misconduct. When a report is received, UAS will stop a prohibited behavior, provide supportive measures to the complainant, take steps to prevent the behavior's recurrence, and provide remedies as appropriate. For more information about how to make a report, visit

Though anonymous reports are permitted, doing so may limit the university’s ability to investigate and respond to a report. Anonymous reports can be made at or through the website.

To submit a report, contact:

Office of Rights, Compliance, and Accountability
11066 Auke Lake Way
Novatney Building, Room 133
Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: 907-796-6371

Employee Responsibilities Under Title IX

Responsible employees must report any sex or gender-based discrimination, regardless of who it involves, and regardless of the type of allegations, to the Title IX Coordinator within twenty-four hours. All University of Alaska staff, faculty and residence life student employees are designated “responsible employees,” with the limited exception of licensed professional mental health counselors, clergy, other persons with a professional license requiring confidentiality who are working within that license, and those employees who work in the student health and counseling centers. Student employees, with the exception of those working for residence life, are not designated responsible employees at the University of Alaska per University of Alaska BOR Policy, P01.04.060(D).

Title IX Prevention and Awareness Efforts

The UAS ORCA, in conjunction with campus and community partners, will provide a wide range of programming each year to raise awareness of and prevent incidences of sexual harassment and sexual violence, and increase student and employee safety. 

Enrolled students who are degree-seeking, living in campus housing, middle college (dual-enrollment), or on national/international exchange must complete the UA Safe online Title IX training. For details contact the UAS Title IX Office.