
Students are responsible for meeting all requirements for graduation. It is important that students meet regularly with their academic advisor to review degree status and anticipated graduation date.

Application for Graduation

  • Students must be formally admitted to the degree or certificate program and submit a graduation application.
  • If a student would like to graduate with a minor* along with their bachelor's degree or an additional degree, they must submit a change of major request to the Registrar's Office before the end of the semester they are wishing to graduate from to ensure they are admitted in good standing to the new program. 
  • Applications must be submitted by the deadline for the term you are completing: 

Fall completion deadline October 1
Spring completion deadline February 1
Summer completion deadline July 1

Applications submitted after the deadline will have a $25 late fee.

*Minors must be declared before the application deadline and must be awarded at the same time as a bachelor's degree. Minors are only available with bachelor programs, check with your advisor as not all minors are available with every degree. 

Diplomas and Commencement

UAS issues diplomas three times per year: in late September following the summer session, in February following the fall semester, and in June following the spring semester. Commencement ceremonies are only held once a year, in May. Students who complete degree requirements during the academic year are invited to participate in the May ceremony. Degree candidates must be within six credits or two courses of degree completion by the end of the spring semester to be eligible to attend that spring's May commencement ceremony.

Graduation with Honors

Students earning associate or baccalaureate degrees who obtain a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 will graduate cum laude, 3.80 magna cum laude and 4.00 summa cum laude. In addition to the general residency requirements, students must have been in attendance at UAS for at least 24 credit hours for an associate degree and 42 credit hours for a bachelor’s degree to graduate with honors. The resident credits must be weighted. Honors are not awarded for occupational endorsement certificates, certificates or graduate degrees. All college work attempted, including that attempted at other institutions and grades earned from repeated courses, is considered in the determination of a student’s eligibility for graduation with honors. 

For transfer students to be considered for graduation with honors they must have a 3.50 cumulative GPA in all attempted UAS credits and 24 resident credits for an associate and 42 resident credits for a bachelors.

Once those requirements are met, cumulative GPA is calculated combining all college work attempted at UAS, as well as all college work attempted at any other institutions attended, including repeated credits and any credits that may not have been accepted for transfer.

Occupational Endorsement Completion

Occupational Endorsement candidates must formally apply for completion by filling out the application for graduation the term they are planning on completing.


4-Year Average Student Right-to-Know Rates

Starting Cohort Year Graduation within 150% Transfer-out
2014 18% 25%
2015 30% 24%
2016 25% 23%
2017 48% 28%
4-yr Average 26% 23%

The Student Right-to-Know Act requires schools to disclose graduation rates and transfer-out rates for the most recent 4 cohorts. Graduation rates are the percentage of first-time full-time freshmen seeking any degree that completed a degree within 150% time to degree. Transfer out rates are the percentage of those first-time full-time freshmen seeking any degree who did not complete a degree, but transferred to another institution within the 150% timeframe. Data source: IPEDS Graduation Rates Survey