General Education Requirements (GER)

Associate and bachelor’s degrees at UAS require a minimum amount of general education requirement courses to be completed. General Education Requirements (GERs) encompass broad areas of knowledge that support advanced learning in the major and emphasis requirements of each degree. An asterisk in the title of a course indicates it is a General Education Requirement after Spring 1990. Please note: the courses listed are not necessarily offered every semester. It is recommended that students seek advisor assistance in meeting program degree requirements.

In addition, some degree programs require specific courses be included in the GER. Please review your degree program in this catalog and consult with your academic advisor. If required courses are not taken as a GER, they must be taken as major requirements or electives as they are required for your degree.

General Education Requirements
Minimum Credits 34
Written Communication Skills
WRTG S111*Writing Across Contexts3
WRTG S211*Writing and the Humanities3
or WRTG S212 *Writing and the Professions
Oral Communication Skills
Select one of the following (3 credits):3
*Fundamentals of Oral Communication 1
*Small Group Communication and Team Building 1
*Interpersonal Communication 1
*Public Speaking 1
Humanities/Social Sciences
Fine Arts
Select one of the following (3 credits):3
*Beginning Drawing
*Art Appreciation
*Beginning Northwest Coast Indigenous Design I
*Beginning Ceramics
*Indigenous Performing Arts
*History of World Art I
*History of World Art II
*Northwest Coast Native Art History & Culture
*Music Appreciation
*Theatre Appreciation
*Theatre History and Literature I
*Theatre History and Literature II
Select a minimum of one of the following (3 credits):3-6
*Beginning Tlingit I
*Beginning Tlingit II
*Beginning Haida I
*Beginning Haida II
*Beginning Tsimshian I
*Beginning Tsimshian II
*Intermediate Tlingit I
*Intermediate Tlingit II
*Intermediate Haida I
*Intermediate Haida II
*Intermediate Tsimshian I
*Intermediate Tsimshian II
*Introduction to Mass Communication
*Introduction to Literary Study
*World Literature
*Introduction to Film Studies
*Survey of American Literature 1800-Present
*Introduction to Creative Writing
*Cultures and Environments
*Beginning French I
*Beginning French II
*World History I 2
*World History II 2
*History of the U.S. I 2
*History of the U.S. II 2
*Alaska: A Sense of Place and Beyond
*Introduction to Logic and Reasoning
*Introduction to Philosophy
*Beginning Spanish I
*Beginning Spanish II
*Intermediate Spanish I
*Intermediate Spanish II
Alaska Native and other languages.
Social Sciences
Select a minimum of two of the following (6 credits) from two disciplines:6-9
*Introduction to Alaska Native Studies
*Introduction to Anthropology
*Cultural Anthropology
*Fundamentals of Archaeology
*Introduction to Business
*Personal Finance
*Political Economy
*Principles of Microeconomics
*Principles of Macroeconomics
*Local Places, Global Regions: Introduction to Geography
*World History I 2
*World History II 2
*History of the U.S. I 2
*History of the U.S. II 2
*Introduction to American Government
*Introduction to Political Science
*Comparative Politics
*Introduction to International Relations
*Introduction to Psychology
*Lifespan Development
*Introduction to Sociology
*Social Problems and Solutions
Select one from the remaining humanities and social sciences courses (3 credits)
Mathematics/Natural Sciences
Mathematics and Statistics
Select at least 3 credits of the following:3
*Concepts and Contemporary Applications of Mathematics
*College Algebra for Calculus
*Calculus I 3
*Calculus II 3
*Calculus III 3
*Elementary Statistics
Select one of the following Natural Lab Sciences (4 credits):4
Lab Natural Sciences
*Biology and Society
*Natural History of Alaska
*Human Anatomy and Physiology I
*Human Anatomy and Physiology II
*Fundamentals of Biology I
*Fundamentals of Biology II
*Introduction to General Chemistry
*General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Laboratory
*General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Laboratory
*Earth and Environment
*Physical Geology
*College Physics I
*College Physics II
*General Physics I
*General Physics II
Non-lab Natural Sciences3
Select one of the following non-lab science courses: 4
*Biological Anthropology
*Introduction to Chemical Science
*Geological History of Life
*Introduction to Oceanography
*Introduction to Astronomy
Total Credits34

Grade C 2.00 or better


History courses can be used as humanities OR social science requirements, but not both.


Or any mathematics course having one of these as a prerequisite.


The non-lab science requirement can be fulfilled by any Mathematics, Statistics, or Natural Science General Education course not already used. 


Transferring GERs within the UA System

Please refer to the following guide if you are considering taking a class from UAA and/or UAF to fulfill a GER requirement at UAS. Please note the courses listed fulfill the UAS GER requirement, but may not fulfill a major requirement. If you have any questions, please contact the Transfer Credit Evaluator in the Registrar’s Office at (907) 796-6366.

University of Alaska General Education Transfer Guide

UAS Courses UAA Courses UAF Courses
Written Communication Skills (6 credits)
WRTG S111, WRTG S211, WRTG S212 WRTG A111, WRTG A211, WRTG A212, WRTG A213, WRTG A214 WRTG F111X, WRTG F211X, WRTG F212X, WRTG F213X, WRTG F214X
Oral Communication Skills (3 credits)
COMM S111, COMM S235, COMM S237, COMM S241 COMM A111, COMM A235, COMM A237, COMM A241 COM F121X, COM F131X, COM F141X
Fine Arts (3 credits)
AKNS A215, AKNS A216, AKNS A261 ACNS F223X, ANS F161X, ANS F202X, ANS F223X
ART S105, ART S160, ART S181, ART S201, ART S260, ART S261, ART S262 ART A160, ART A261, ART A262 ART F200X, ART F261X, ART F262X
MUS S123 MUS A100, MUS A110, MUS A121, MUS A215, MUS A216, MUS A224 MUS F103X, MUS F125X, MUS F200X, MUS F223X
THR S111, THR S211, THR S212 THR A111, THR A121, THR A215 FLPA F105X, FLPA F125, ANS/FLPA F161X, FLPA F200X, ANS F202X, FLPA F215X, ENGL/FLPA F217X
Humanities (3-6 credits)
AKL S105, AKL S106, AKL S107, AKL S108, AKL S109, AKL S110, AKL S205, AKL S206, AKL S207, AKL S208, AKL S209, AKL S210
AKNS A101, AKNS A101A, AKNS A101B, AKNS A101C, AKNS A101D, AKNS A101E, AKNS A101F, AKNS A101H, AKNS A101I, AKNS A102A, AKNS A102B, AKNS A102C, AKNS A102D, AKNS A102E, AKNS A102H, AKNS A102I, AKNS A114A, AKNS A114B, AKNS A114E, AKNS A114F, AKNS A114H, AKNS A114I, AKNS A201, AKNS A230, AKNS A240A, AKNS A240F, AKNS A240H, AKNS A240I ANL F141X, ANL F142X, ANL F251X, ANL F255X, INU F111X, INU F112X, YUP F101X, YUP F102X
ART A261, ART A262
ASL A101, ASL A102, ASL A201, ASL A202 ASLG F101X, ASLG F202X
ENGL S200, ENGL S215, ENGL S217, ENGL S226, ENGL S261 ENGL A120, ENGL A121, ENGL A200, ENGL A203, ENGL A205, ENGL A245, LING A101 ENGL/FL F200X, ENGL F201X, ENGL F270X, LING F101X, LING F216X
FREN S101, FREN S102 FREN A101, FREN A102, FREN A201, FREN A202 FREN F101X, FREN F102X, FREN F201X, FREN F202X
GER A101, GER A102, GER A201, GER A202 GER F101X, GER F102X, GER F202X, GER F202X
HIST S105, HIST S106, HIST S131, HIST S132 HIST A101, HIST A102, HIST A121, HIST A122, HIST A131, HIST A132
HUM S120 HUM A211, HUM A212
JPN A101, JPN A102, JPN A201, JPN A202 JPN F101X, JPN F102X, JPN F201X, JPN F202X
LAT F101X, LAT F102X
PHIL S101, PHIL S201, PHIL S301 PHIL A101, PHIL A201, PHIL A211, PHIL A212, PHIL A301, PHIL A305 PHIL F102X, PHIL F104X, RELG F221X
PS A331, PS A332, PS A333
RUSS A101, RUSS A102, RUSS A201, RUSS A202 RUSS F101X, RUSS F102X, RUSS F201X, RUSS F202X
SPAN S101, SPAN S102, SPAN S201, SPAN S202 SPAN A101, SPAN A102, SPAN A201, SPAN A202 SPAN F101X, SPAN F102X, SPAN F201X, SPAN F202X
THR A211, THR A212
Social Sciences (6-9 credits)
ANS S101 ANS F111X, ANS F242X
ANTH S101, ANTH S202, ANTH S211 ANTH A101, ANTH A200, ANTH A202, ANTH A250 ANTH F100X, ANTH F101X, ANTH F111X, ANTH F211X
BA S151, BA S254 BA A151 BA F151X, BA F254X, BA/SPT F281X
ECON S100, ECON S101, ECON S102 ECON A101, ECON A102, ECON A120, ECON A123, ECON A210 ECON F101X, ECON F102X, ECON F111X, ECON F120X, ECON F235X
HIST S105, HIST S106, HIST S131, HIST S132 HIST A101, HIST A102, HIST A131, HIST A132 HIST F100X, HIST F102X, , HIST F110X, HIST F122X, HIST F132X
PS S101, PS S102, PS S201, PS S251 PS A101, PS A102, PS A311 PS F100X, PS F101X, PS F201X, PS F221X
PSY S111, PSY S250 PSY A111, PSY A150, PSY A200 PSY F111X, PSY F123X
SOC S101, SOC S201 SOC A101, SOC A201, SOC A202 SOC F100X, SOC F201X, SWK F103X
CEL A292, COMM A255, COMM A280, EDEC A105, ENVI A212, HNRS A292, INTL A101, JPC A104, JUST A110, JUST A175, JUST A251, LEGL A101, LSSS A111, SWK A106, SWK A243, URS A121, WSGS A200, WSGS A201 ACCT F261X, ECE 104X, ECE F107X, ECE F210X, ECE F229X, HUMS/JUST F125X, HUMS F185X, JUST F110X, JUST F251X, NRM F111X, RD F200X, WGS F201X
Mathematics & Natural Sciences (11 credits)
Mathematics & Statistics (at least 3 credits)
MATH S113, MATH S151, MATH S152, MATH S251, MATH S252 MATH A104, MATH A115, MATH A121, MATH A151, MATH A152, MATH A155, MATH A221, MATH A251, MATH A251F, MATH A252, MATH A252F, MATH A253 MATH F113X, MATH F114X, MATH F122X, MATH F151X, MATH F152X, MATH F156X, MATH F230X, MATH F251X, MATH F252X, MATH F253X
STAT S200 STAT A200, STAT A253, STAT A307 STAT F200X
Lab Natural Sciences
ANTH A205/A205L, ANTH A211/A211L
BIOL S103, BIOL S104, BIOL S111, BIOL S112, BIOL S115, BIOL S116 BIOL A102 & BIOL A103, BIOL A108, BIOL A111/A111L, BIOL A112/A112L, BIOL A178 & BIOL A179 BIOL F100X, BIOL F103X, BIOL F104X ,BIOL F111X, BIOL F112X, BIOL F115X, BIOL F116X, BIOL F120X, BIOL F240X
CHEM S103, CHEM S105 & CHEM S105L, CHEM S106 & CHEM S106L CHEM A103 & CHEM A103L, CHEM A104 & CHEM A104L, CHEM A105 & CHEM A105L, CHEM A106 & CHEM A106L CHEM F100X, CHEM F103X, CHEM F104X, CHEM F105X, CHEMF106X, CHEM F111X
GEOL S104 GEOL A111 & GEOL A111L, GEOL A115 & GEOL A115L, GEOL A178 & GEOL A179, GEOL A221 GEOS F101X, GEOS F102X, GEOS F106X, GEOS F111X, GEOS F112X, GEOS F120X
PHYS S123, PHYS S124, PHYS S211, PHYS S212 PHYS A101 & PHYS A101L, PHYS A115, PHYS A123 & PHYS A123L, PHYS A124 & PHYS A124L, PHYS A211 & PHYS A211L, PHYS A212 & PHYS A212L PHYS F102X, PHYS F115X, PHYS F123X, PHYS F124X, PHYS F165X, PHYS F211X, PHYS F212X, PHYS F213X
ASTR A103 & ASTR A103L, ASTR A104 & ASTR A104L ATM F101X, MBI F111X, OCN F111X, WLF F104X
Non-lab Natural Sciences
ANTH S205 ANTH A205, ANTH A211
ASTR A103, ASTR A104
BIOL A100, BIOL A102, BIOL A111, BIOL A112, BIOL A178, BIOL A200
CHEM S100, CHEM S105, CHEM S106 CHEM A103, CHEM A104, CHEM A105, CHEM A106
ENVI A211, GEOG A111
GEOL S105 GEOL A111, GEOL A115, GEOL A178
OCN S101
PHYS S165 PHYS A101, PHYS A123, PHYS A124, PHYS A211, PHYS A212

Beyond the six competencies that shape the objectives of required program courses, completing general education requirements will prepare students for successful participation in local and universal communities. Courses which are included in degree programs as general education requirements will assess student ability to transfer knowledge from theory to practice through assignments and activities which demonstrate general education learning outcomes (GELO).  Not all general education courses will address all of the GELO's.

  • Effective Communication: Communicate thoughts and ideas effectively, orally and in writing.

  • Critical Thinking: Demonstrate comprehensive exploration of issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion.

  • Creative Thinking: Present creative works of expression, innovative approaches to tasks, or solutions to problems.

  • Empirical Reasoning: Articulate the scientific method and pose well-reasoned questions in the search for answers through data.

  • Synthesis and Analysis: Use and extend theoretical concepts to qualitative and quantitative applications and problem solving.

  • Environmental and Community Engagement: Use and extend Indigenous and global cultural perspectives with respect for diversity of people, the sustainable use of resources, and awareness of the environment.