Other Academic Opportunities

Health Science Careers: Nursing, Allied Health


The University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) has partnered with the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) to bring nursing education to all three campuses. Students interested in pursuing careers in nursing are able to take a variety of prerequisite and co-requisites needed for successful application to the UAA nursing program. Interested students should review course information in the UAS Certificate in Pre-Nursing Qualifications. Further information about these options can be found at the UAS Health Science web page at: uas.alaska.edu/career_ed/healthscience.

Medical Assisting

Medical Assistants perform both administrative and clinical procedures. Coursework covers general medical knowledge, anatomy, physiology, behavioral science, medical law, and ethics. Administrative skills include medical records management, answering phones, scheduling and greeting patients, bookkeeping, collections, insurance processing, and familiarity with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Clinical skills include obtaining vital signs, medication preparation and administration, assisting with examinations and minor procedures, drawing blood, performing basic laboratory tests, pharmacology, and specimen collection. Courses in the Medical Assisting Certificate are available online or in hybrid format. Clinical Procedures require face-to-face performance of skills and competencies during clinical lab intensives with instructor observation twice a semester. The program also requires a 180-hour practicum at an approved healthcare facility. Students who complete this program will be prepared to become a vital part of a medical team working together toward patient health and wellness. For more information: https://uas.alaska.edu/career_ed/medical-assisting/index.html.

Other Healthcare Career Options

There are other options in healthcare preparation. Students who are interested in a general health sciences background should review the UAS A.A.S. in Health Sciences. The UAS core of health science and related courses may meet most of the needs of students interested in pre-medicine, pre-professional health careers or a number of other programs in the allied health fields. Contact the UAS Health Sciences program for more information or go to the UAS Health Science web page at uas.alaska.edu/career_ed/healthscience.


Academic internships are experience-based courses that place a student in an organization, public or private, under the supervision of a qualified professional in the agency and a UAS faculty member. In some cases, the internships may carry a salary as well as credits. Internships that generate credit require satisfactory completion of a minimum of four hours of work per week for each credit (0+0+4). To apply for an internship, a student must be admitted to a University program, and must also demonstrate sufficient educational preparation for the internship before applying. Interested students should consult with their advisor before applying. Internship credit may be applied toward undergraduate programs as follows: Six (6) credits in a certificate program, nine (9) credits in an associate degree, and twelve (12) credits in a bachelor’s degree program. Contact Departmental faculty and/or Career Services at (907) 796-6368 for internship information.

Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression

Undergraduates have special opportunities to focus on research and creative expression at UAS. For more information: uas.alaska.edu/research.

Pi Mu Epsilon

Alaska’s first chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, the Alaska Alpha Chapter, was installed at the Juneau campus of UAS on April 17, 2014. Pi Mu Epsilon is the national honor society in mathematics, and is dedicated to the promotion, recognition and support of students who successfully pursue mathematical understanding and scholarship.

UAS Center for Mine Training

The UAS Center for Mine Training, located in downtown Juneau at the UAS Technical Education Center (TEC), supports underground mine training in partnership with the UA Mining and Petroleum Training Service (MAPTS). For more information: uas.alaska.edu/career_ed/mining/index.html.

Alaska Coastal Rainforest Center

ACRC is a center for research, education, and outreach focusing on coastal temperate rainforest communities in the North Pacific region. For more information: http://acrc.alaska.edu.

Legislative Internship Program

The University of Alaska Legislative Internship Program enables qualified students from the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), and the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS), to obtain course credits while working in the Alaska Legislature. For more information: uas.alaska.edu/internprogram/.