Environmental Resources, B.S.


The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Resources integrates and synthesizes courses in environmental science, climate change, physical and biological sciences, geographic information sciences, and human-environment interactions. This degree provides students with an interdisciplinary background in geospatial science and Earth system processes and prepares students for science-based careers in environmental research, management, and consulting as well as graduate studies in related fields of geography and environmental science. Senior practicum courses serve as integrating capstone experiences that enable students to apply what they have learned in real-world settings. 

Admission Requirements

Students are admitted to the program after declaring an Environmental Resources major and will then be assigned an academic advisor. Students should consult with their advisor for course selection and sequencing.

Candidates must complete all UAS General Education Requirements (GERs), the Alaska Native Knowledge Graduation Requirement, and the specific program requirements listed below for a minimum of 120 credit hours. Major requirements can be used to satisfy the Lab Natural Science, Non-lab Natural Science, and Math GERs. 42 of the 120 credit hours must be at the upper-division level (300 or above), of which 24 must be completed at UAS.

Minimum Credit Hours 120
General Education Requirements 36
Alaska Native Knowledge Graduation Requirement 3
Program on the Environment Core 9
Major Requirements 23
Interdisciplinary and Field Courses 6
Human Environment 6
Environmental Processes 14
Quantitative and Geographic Analysis 8
Electives 30
General Education Requirements
Complete all General Education Requirements. The Lab Natural Science, Non-lab Natural Science, and Math GERs are satisfied by degree requirements.36
Program on the Environment Core
ENVI S120*Cultures and Environments3
ENVS S102*Earth and Environment (satisfies Lab Science GER)4
Select at least two credits of capstone experience:
Environmental Science Internship
Environmental Careers Seminar
Research in Environmental Science
Major Requirements
ENVI S313Sustainable Resource Management3
ENVS S338Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)3
ENVS S375Current Topics in Earth and Ecosystem Research 12
GEOL S320Mineral, Energy, and Renewable Resources3
MATH S251*Calculus I4
One of the following Science sequences:8
*Fundamentals of Biology I
and *Fundamentals of Biology II
*General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Laboratory
and *General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Laboratory
*College Physics I
and *College Physics II
*General Physics I
and *General Physics II
Interdisciplinary and Field Courses
Select six credits of the following:6
ANS S320Indigenous Sciences and Ways of Knowing: Selected Topics3
ENVI S350Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Climate Change3
ENVS S475Field Studies in Environmental Science1-4
HUM S372Salmon, Sport, and Society3
ODS S372Mountain Studies: Philosophy, Literature, and Practice4
ODS S373Ocean Studies: Images of the Environment4
Or other advisor approved courses
Human Environment
Select six credits of the following:6
ANTH S312Culture and Ecology3
ENGL S303Literature and the Environment3
ENVI S360Alaska: A Contested Geography3
GEOG S390Critical Geography3
PHIL S371Perspectives on the Natural World3
PS S458Comparative Environmental Politics3
Or other advisor approved courses
Environmental Processes
Select 14 credits of the following:14
BIOL S271Ecology4
BIOL S373Conservation Biology4
BIOL S480Aquatic Pollution3
CHEM S350Environmental Chemistry4
ENVI S210Temperate Rainforest Ecosystems3
ENVS S302Glaciology3
ENVS S380Natural Disasters3
ENVS S407Snow Hydrology4
ENVS S414Biogeochemistry3
ENVS S416Biogeography and Landscape Ecology4
ENVS S422Earth's Climate System3
GEOL S301Geomorphology4
GEOL S302Hydrology4
Quantitative and Geographic Analysis
Select eight credits of the following:8
ENVS S111Introduction to Differential GPS1
ENVS S309Mobile GIS Technology and Applications2
ENVS S406Remote Sensing3
ENVS S410Advanced Geographic Information Systems3
MATH S460Mathematical Modeling3
STAT S200*Elementary Statistics3
STAT S401Regression and Analysis of Variance4
To include upper division courses as needed to meet 42 upper division credits required for degree.30

Upon completion, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the fundamental components and interactions of Earth systems, environments, and social systems, including an understanding of their relevance to Southeast Alaska.
  2. Use research techniques to investigate Earth systems and environmental problems.
  3. Use diverse written and oral communication skills to effectively communicate environmental issues.