Graduate Studies

Graduate Dean

Maren Haavig

Graduate Studies Programs

The mission of the UAS Graduate Studies Program is to help students develop intellectual breadth and the specialized training necessary for careers in teaching, administration and public policy.

Admission to graduate school is an opportunity; it is also a significant responsibility. Graduate school requires careful planning and a commitment to the study of a chosen discipline or profession. Whether you are pursuing a degree as a requirement for advancement, personal growth, or for other reasons, you can expect a challenging, high quality graduate education at UAS. Upon successful completion of a program, you will be able to demonstrate mastery of your discipline. Appropriate exit requirements allow our students to express the knowledge they have acquired in formats designed for their respective programs.

The problems facing Alaska and the Nation require both knowledge and new ways of using knowledge to meet current challenges. The graduate programs at UAS consist of discipline specific course sequences, seminars, independent studies, and research investigations differing significantly from the undergraduate experience. The intellectual interaction among graduate students and their faculty remains the most significant factor in post-baccalaureate study. Most course work occurs in small classes where graduate students work together to support each other as they participate in intellectual challenges. UAS graduate programs are designed to encourage students to develop and enhance these intellectual opportunities. Program assessment plans are posted at the Program Assessment website.

The following graduate programs are offered:

Master of Arts in Teaching

Master of Education

The following are all available via e-Learning:

Master of Public Administration

(Juneau campus and e-Learning combination)

Graduate Certificates

General University Requirements

General university requirements for master degree students include maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.00 and completing the minimum credit hours required for their program. All courses must be post baccalaureate credits, and all but 6 semester credits must be at the 600 level. Courses at the 100-300 level cannot be used in graduate programs.

Courses at the 500 level earned at any University of Alaska campus or equivalent types of continuing education courses from any college or university may not be applied toward the degree program or be counted as an elective to complete the required number of credits. Non-catalog courses (i.e., 693 special topics) may be used in a graduate program with advisor approval. No more than 6 credits may be special topics. Specific course requirements for individual programs are listed in the official UAS catalog and in program bulletins.

Good Standing

A student in good standing is one who maintains a B (3.00) average throughout his/her program. A grade of C (2.00) is the minimum passing grade in any course in the student’s program.

Academic Probation and Program Removal

If a student’s graduate program grade point average drop below 3.00 for two semesters, the student will be placed on academic probation. Terms and conditions of the probation are determined by the advisor in conformance with UAS graduate study requirements. These may include specific conditions and/or credit limitations that the student must meet during his/her next enrollment at UAS.

A student remaining on academic probation for two enrolled semesters will be removed from the program. To continue to pursue a degree, the student must submit a new application for admission, pay the application fee, and include an improvement/completion plan which will be reviewed by both the program dean and the graduate dean. 


Generally, letter grades are used in graduate study at UAS. Some courses may, however, be offered as pass/ fail. These are usually short courses, thesis or graduate portfolio credits. An explanation of the grading system can be found on the grades tab.

Transfer of Graduate Credits

A maximum of 9 graduate credit hours may be transferred from another accredited institution outside the University of Alaska system if approved by the student’s advisor and the graduate dean. Applicants to UAS programs admitted to the other graduate program from UAA or UAF may transfer up to 15 credits required for the graduate degree or certificate program if approved by the student’s advisor and the graduate dean. Applicants to UAS programs admitted to the same graduate program from UAA or UAF may transfer up to two-thirds of the credits required for the graduate degree or certificate program if approved by the student’s advisor and the graduate dean. At least one-third of the credits must be earned at UAS.

Time Limit on Graduate Study

All courses, projects, and theses required for a graduate degree program must be completed within a seven-year period from the semester of the first course and the semester of degree completion.

Full-Time/Half-Time Status

A graduate student enrolled in nine or more graduate semester credit hours or its equivalent will be classified as full time. Students enrolled in five to eight graduate semester credit hours are classified as half-time.

Study Load, Summer Session

During summer session, students may not exceed a total of 12 credits without prior approval of the student’s advisor or the program dean. For sessions of one week, students may not exceed one credit hour.

Program of Study

The program plan for a graduate degree is determined by the basic program requirements and by the student in consultation with and approval of the advisory. Faculty advisors provide guidance in selecting the courses which satisfy university and program requirements and which contribute to the academic and professional goals of the student.

After the student has been unconditionally admitted to the graduate program a degree plan will be created by the student and their academic advisor.

Unless the advisor approves a substitution by revising the degree plan, students must complete all courses listed in the degree plan before the degree will be granted.

Completion Requirements

Application for Graduate Certificate: Graduate Certificate candidates must formally apply for completion by submitting an application for graduation. The application must be filed with the UAS Registrar’s Office by October 1 for fall, February 1 for spring and July 1 for summer completion.

Application for Graduation: Degree candidates must formally apply for graduation by submitting an Application for Graduation and Completion form. A $50 fee is required. The application for graduation must be filed with the UAS Registrar’s Office by October 1 for fall, February 1 for spring and July 1 for summer completion. Late applications will be processed when received by the published last deadline and will include an additional $25 late application fee. If the application is received subsequent to the published application late deadline, the application will be moved to the next semester graduation term.

Diplomas and Commencement: UAS issues diplomas to graduate at the end of each semester. Students who complete degree requirements during the academic year are invited to participate in the annual commencement ceremony held in May.

Grade Point Average: To meet graduation requirements, the student’s UAS cumulative grade point average must be 3.00 or above.

Responsibility: The responsibility for meeting all requirements for graduation rests with the student.

Procedures for Second or Dual Master’s Degrees

Second Master’s Degree

The following procedures are required for students who wish to pursue a second master degree:

  1. A new application for admission to the new program
  2. All procedures required for the initial degree apply, including updated transcripts, if applicable; three new letters of reference; formal paper or letter of application; and payment of application fee
  3. A maximum of 9 semester credit hours from other graduate degrees the student has received, may be approved by the advisor except for a transferring student who was in the process of earning a second degree from another University of Alaska campus. The rules under “Transfer of Graduate Credit” would then apply

Dual Master’s Degrees

A graduate student may work concurrently toward the completion of the requirements of two master’s degrees in complementary disciplines where an overlap of coursework and/or research occurs. The dual degree program is planned in consultation with and approved by the advisors from each program. The courses to be accepted dually for the two degrees shall be determined by the department(s) involved but may not exceed one-third of the required semester credits for a degree. If the two master’s programs have different totals for course credits, the one-third limit is determined by the smaller course total.

To ensure time for adequate planning, application for admission to the second program in the dual degree program must be made no later than one month before the semester in which the student starts the final one-third of the course credits for the first degree. All requirements for each degree must be met, and no more than 9 credits can be transferred from a previously awarded master’s degree.

The following procedures are required for students who wish to pursue dual master’s degrees:

  1. A new application for admission to the second master’s program and payment of an additional application fee
  2. Official transcripts for any University or college work attempted at other institutions in the interim between applying for the first and second master’s programs
  3. A new formal paper or letter of application, where applicable, appropriate to the new program
  4. New letters of reference, if applicable