School of Education (SOE)

The School of Education (SOE) faculty’s mission is to identify, prepare, and strengthen effective teachers who will make sustained contributions to students and the education profession in rural and urban settings in Alaska and nationally. Our vision is that graduates will become informed, reflective, and responsive educators within diverse classroom, school and community contexts.

While mastering competencies stated in the Alaska Standards for Teachers, candidates also demonstrate the following goals/outcomes that are at the core of SOE’s conceptual framework:

Goal/Outcome 1: Articulate, maintain, and develop a philosophy of education that they also demonstrate in practice.

Goal/Outcome 2: Understand how human development affects learning and apply that understanding to practice.

Goal/Outcome 3: Differentiate instruction with respect for individual and cultural characteristics.

Goal/Outcome 4: Possess current academic content knowledge.

Goal/Outcome 5: Facilitate learning by using assessment to guide planning, instruction, and modification of teaching practice.

Goal/Outcome 6: Create and manage a stimulating, inclusive and safe learning community in which students take intellectual risks and work independently and collaboratively

Goal/Outcome 7: Work as partners with parents, families and the community.

Goal/Outcome 8: Develop and maintain professional, moral, and ethical attitudes, behaviors, relationships, and habits of mind.

Goal/Outcome 9: Use technology effectively, creatively, and wisely.

Teacher Education Accreditation

The School of Education (SOE) at the University of Alaska Southeast is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). 

CAEP accreditation signifies that the SOE has met the rigorous standards set forth for educator preparation. This accreditation is for the College’s initial licensure and advanced programs. The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development requires the state’s university education units to hold CAEP accreditation.

Education Programs

Our programs place special emphasis on diverse needs of students, up-to-date technology and strong field-based experiences. Programs are available on the Juneau campus or are offered statewide through e-Learning.

All students take the class 'Preparations for Teacher Education Programs' in the first semester of their program as a zero credit course.

The education faculty emphasizes active, engaged learning that will result in reflective and critical thinking as opposed to passive listening, memorizing, and rote learning. Course work requires the application of theory into practice in field settings. UAS education graduates seeking employment have experienced successful placement throughout Alaska and the country. In addition, our advanced degree programs offer a variety of opportunities for teachers to advance their learning and take leadership roles in their fields.

Available via e-Learning except as noted.

Bachelor of Arts

Master of Arts in Teaching

Master of Education

Graduate Certificates

Campus Key




D=Distance Learning/e-Learning

Interim Dean
Carlee Simon


Elaine Alvey
Assistant Professor of Education

Heather L. Batchelder
Professor of Education

Robyn Capp
Assistant Professor of Special Education

Marjorie Fields
Professor of Education, Emerita

Jeffrey Lofthus
Professor of Education

Corrine Marks
Assistant Professor of Secondary Education

Lisa K. Richardson
Associate Professor of Education

Jerry Schoenberger
Adjunct Faculty of Educational Leadership

Emily Smith
Associate Professor of Education

Katy Spangler
Professor of Education, Emerita

J. Kevin Spink
Assistant Professor of Elementary Education

Mary Wegner
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership