Information Systems Minor

The Information Systems Minor provides students with the opportunity to study information systems in a variety of contexts. It includes 3 to 6 credits of coursework from outside of a traditional information systems program to allow the student to explore information systems within a context relevant to the student's major or areas of interest.

Minimum Credit Hours 18
Select one of the following:3
CIS S105Computer Literacy3
CIS S170Programming Fundamentals3
CIS S235Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications3
Select 9-12 credits of the following:9-12
CIS S345IT Infrastructure3
CIS S371Systems Analysis and Design3
CIS S420Information Security Management3
CIS S430Database Management Systems3
Select 3-6 credits of the following: 13-6
ACCT S222Computer Automated Accounting3
ACCT S316Accounting Information Systems3
HIM S181Introduction to Healthcare Systems3
HIM S285Healthcare Privacy and Security3
HIM S289Healthcare Information Technology3
ENVS S309Mobile GIS Technology and Applications2
ENVS S309AMobile GIS Technology and Applications1
ENVS S338Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)3
ENVS S410Advanced Geographic Information Systems3
STAT S400Statistical Computing with R2
LS S___ (any Library Science course)
Or other advisor-approved information systems or technology-oriented courses.

Credits in this section depend on the number of credits taken in the previous section. Must earn a total of 18 credits toward the minor.