Exchange and Study Abroad Opportunities

Imagine living and studying in another country or state while earning credit toward your UAS degree! An academic exchange or study abroad experience allows you to do just that for a summer, semester or full year! There are hundreds of universities to consider throughout the United States and its territories, as well as locations in 75 countries around the world. There are actually over 500 study away sites (national and international) to choose from!

If interested, you should begin the process at least one year before you plan to go as application deadlines typically take place at the beginning of the semester prior to your program (September and February). As a freshman, it’s not too early to start asking questions when you arrive at UAS. Sophomores and juniors are in the ideal position for most programs, and seniors should come in to discuss your options.

Participants must be full-time, degree-seeking students in good standing with at least 16-24 credits and a cumulative GPA of 2.75 for international sites and 2.5 for national. Program costs vary from site to site. In the case of exchanges, the cost is comparable to UAS tuition. Financial aid is available and scholarships apply. Throughout, Alaska residents maintain their residency and obtain their PFD.

For more information on exchange and study abroad opportunities, contact the Academic Exchange Office (907) 796-6359, or on the web:, or email