New Student Orientation

The University of Alaska Southeast New Student Orientation mission is to assist new students in making a successful transition, academically and socially, into the UAS culture and community.

New Student Orientation is provided at the start of each Fall and Spring semester. Orientation is an excellent opportunity for all new students to learn about the campus facilities, services, and resources as well as get to know fellow new classmates.

Juneau Campus

The Juneau Campus has two required Orientation experiences: UAS 101 e-Orientation and Welcome Week.

UAS 101: All new UAS-Juneau program students are required to complete UAS 101 e-Orientation. Students will receive access to the e-Orientation experience approximately one month prior to the beginning of classes, or soon after registering for Juneau-based courses, whichever is later. Students will have until the end of the add/drop period to complete all the modules included in e-Orientation. e-Orientation is free.

Fall Welcome Week: Welcome Week is required for all new on-campus, degree-seeking students registered for 12 or more credits. New students who are registered for less than 12 credits are highly encouraged to attend Welcome Week. There are required activities on August 23, 2024, with optional (but highly recommended) activities through the first week of classes. A $135 fee will be charged to students who are required to attend and any other students that choose to join.

Spring Welcome Week: Welcome Week is required for all new on-campus, degree-seeking students registered for 12 or more credits. New students who are registered for less than 12 credits are highly encouraged to attend Welcome Week. There are required activities on January 10, 2025, with optional (but highly recommended) activities through the first week of classes. A $135 fee will be charged to students who are required to attend and any other students that choose to join.

For more information about the welcome week and e-Orientation, as well as a complete schedule, please visit or contact: First Year Experience (907)796-6385 or email

Sitka Campus

Contact info: Student Success Center (907) 747-7717 or email 

Ketchikan Campus

Contact info: Student Services Manager (907) 228-4528; E-Learning Orientation visit or email