Library Science (LS)

LS S101 Introduction to Academic Library Research

1 credit (1+0)
Introduction to the research process and information literacy skills, including strategies, tools, and techniques for locating, evaluating, and ethically using information from library collections, databases, and the internet. Students will also explore current issues in information literacy, such as mis/disinformation and algorithmic bias. LS S101 is equivalent to the former courses LS S110 and LS S111. Credit can only be granted for one of these.

LS S193 Special Topics in Library and Information Science

1-3 credits (1-3 +0)
Varying topics in the fields of library and information science and technology. May be repeated for credit when content differs.

LS S220 Internet and Society

3 credits (3+0)
Internet technologies play an important, often controversial, role in contemporary society, touching almost every aspect of our lives. Many dramatic, both dystopian and utopian, claims have been made about the transformative effects of these technologies. The course will provide deeper understanding of the power structures that shape the Internet, social media and contemporary society.

LS S293 Special Topics in Library and Information Science

1-3 credits (1-3 +0)
Varying topics in the fields of library and information science and technology. May be repeated for credit when content differs.