Anthropology (ANTH)

ANTH S101 *Introduction to Anthropology

3 credits (3+0)
GER. An introduction to the fundamentals of the four subfields of anthropology: archaeology, cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, and anthropological linguistics. Practical applications of anthropological concepts and perspectives are emphasized. Case materials are drawn from cultures around the world.

ANTH S200 Alaska Native Cultures

3 credits (3+0)
An introduction to culture, history, and archaeology of Alaska Natives. Includes environmental settings, languages, socio-economic and subsistence patterns, cultural change, and contemporary issues.

ANTH S202 *Cultural Anthropology

3 credits (3+0)
GER. Basic theories, methods, and concepts of cultural anthropology. Includes analysis of social, political, economic, belief and symbolic systems. Serves as a foundation for more specialized courses in cultural anthropology.

ANTH S205 *Biological Anthropology

3 credits (3+0)
GER. A study of human biology including genetics, human evolution and variation, adaptations, ecology and primatology.

ANTH S211 *Fundamentals of Archaeology

3 credits (3+0)
GER. Presents the history, concepts, theories and methods of archaeology. Includes analysis and interpretation of data, using field reports and problems. This course is often required for those wishing to attend field schools in archaeology.

ANTH S216 Introduction to Linguistics

3 credits (3+0)
Cross-listed as HUM S216. Scientific study of the structure, distribution and diversity of human language. Examines the branches of systematic linguistic analysis: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax; and the divisions of linguistic study such as socio- and neuro-linguistics, language acquisition; drawing examples from Alaska's and many other languages.

ANTH S225 Artistic Expressions and Oral Narratives of Alaska Natives

3 credits (3+0)
Comparisons and analyses of the artistic expressions of Alaskan Native cultures including oral narratives, graphic and performing arts. Discussion of the cultural milieu in which each form developed including the world views, beliefs, environment, ecology, and psychology of the peoples.

ANTH S280 Issues in Anthropology: Selected Topics

3 credits (3+0)
In depth exploration of a current topic in applied or theoretical anthropology. Topics may include issues of local and regional significance.

ANTH S291 Internship

ANTH S311 Methods and Theories in Archaeology

3 credits (3+0)
Examines the history of methods and theories in archaeology. Contemporary methods and techniques used in conducting archaeological field research will be included. Discussions and class assignments will emphasize practical applications.

ANTH S312 Humans and the Environment

3 credits (3+0)
Cross-listed as GEOG S312. Anthropological approaches to the relationships between socio-cultural and ecological systems. Analysis of traditional ecological knowledge, subsistence patterns, and adaptations. Intensive study of selected cases and theories.

ANTH S314 Archaeology of Southeast Alaska

3 credits (3+0)
Examines archaeological discoveries, including recent findings in Southeast Alaska. Archaeological theory and method will be discussed to understand and interpret field work and data. Readings, discussion, and guest lectures will focus on the pre Euro-American contact period, and the historical archaeology of various industries and commerce.

ANTH S324 Psychological Anthropology

3 credits (3+0)
Examination of the relationship between culture, social institutions, and psychological variables on a cross-cultural basis. Includes emphasis on cognition and socialization.

ANTH S335 Native North Americans

3 credits (3+0)
A study of the aboriginal peoples of North America including their prehistory, traditional cultures and adaptations to change. Discussion of current issues regarding America's indigenous peoples.

ANTH S336 Prehistory of South America

3 credits (3+0)
An intensive archaeological survey of prehistoric cultures of South America through Spanish contact with the Incas. Emphasis on subsistence and settlement, social organization, art, and ritual.

ANTH S342 Arctic Anthropology

3 credits (3+0)
A survey of the cultures of circumpolar regions from Siberia and Alaska to Canada and Greenland. Emphasis on subsistence patterns, ecology, social organization, belief systems, inter-ethnic relations, and contemporary issues.

ANTH S348 Anthropology of Death and Burial

3 credits (3+0)
Examines funerary rituals and beliefs about death from a cross-cultural perspective in both Western and non-Western cultures from prehistory to the present.

ANTH S350 Ancient Civilizations

3 credits (3+0)
Cross-listed HIST S350. Examines the origins of agriculture and animal domestication, urbanization, and the emergence of state-level societies in world regions such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, and the Andes. Topics include socio-political organization, subsistence, material culture, and religion.

ANTH S351 Anthropology of Globalization

3 credits (3+0)
A cross-cultural approach to the ways societies have been affected by global processes such as migration, economic development, and modernization.

ANTH S363 Ethnohistory

3 credits (3+0)
Examines methods, theories, and applications of the interdisciplinary approach of ethnohistory. Integrates analysis of different sources of information including oral narratives, historical narratives, archival sources, government documents, and archaeological evidence.

ANTH S375 Area Studies: Selected Topics

3 credits (3+0)
An overview of the social organization, culture, and archaeological record of selected areas of the world. These include the Pacific Rim, Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America and South America.

ANTH S390 Archives and Museums Theory and Practice

3 credits (3+0)
Cross-listed as HIST S390. Introduces students to archives and museum theory and practices for potential careers in libraries, archives, and museums. Focuses on the archival profession, with the museum profession as a secondary topic. Students prepare for potential internships at local repositories.
Prerequisite: WRTG S111 and upper division standing, or instructor permission.

ANTH S391 Internship:

ANTH S400 Anthropology of Religion

3 credits (3+0)
Descriptive and comparative study of religious phenomena in traditional and contemporary societies including myth, ritual, magic, witchcraft, and shamanism.

ANTH S408 Ethnobiology

3 credits (3+0)
Examines relationships between humans and the natural world cross-culturally. Focus is on how indigenous peoples perceive and interact with their ecosystems. Topics include Tlingit and Haida ethnobiology, traditional medicine, ritual and cosmology.

ANTH S410 History of Anthropology

3 credits (3+0)
The intellectual history of the discipline of anthropology is analyzed through the examination of ethnographic and theoretical works.

ANTH S428 Tlingit Culture and History

3 credits (3+0)
A study of Tlingit culture, reviewing pre Euro-American contact, social organization, and economic and religious systems. Includes a review of Russian and early American occupation of Southeast Alaska and socio-cultural changes experienced by the Tlingit.

ANTH S430 Ethnographic Methods

3 credits (3+0)
Different ethnographic methods will be analyzed, explored, and practiced. Individual research projects will be developed. Ethics will be discussed and students will submit their research projects for institutional review in order to understand the human subjects approval process.

ANTH S435 Northwest Coast Cultures

3 credits (3+0)
An intensive and comparative analysis of peoples of the Northwest Coast. Emphasizes prehistory, socio- economic and intellectual life, adaptation, and contemporary issues.

ANTH S454 Economic Anthropology

3 credits (3+0)
Anthropological approaches to production, distribution, and consumption of resources in human cultural systems. Preindustrial economics in relation to other cultural subsystems. Internal and external models of economic development will be examined through case studies.

ANTH S458 Alaska Native Economic and Political Development

3 credits (3+0)
Examines political and economic institutional development since the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. Assesses the emergence of Alaska Native peoples' political claims of sovereignty, and contemporary issues and conflicts surrounding Native governance.

ANTH S475 Alaska Native Social Change

3 credits (3+0)
Tradition and change in Alaska Native cultures and social institutions. A study of persistence and change in social structure and world view of Alaska Native peoples.

ANTH S491 Internship:

ANTH S494 Practicum: