Communication (COMM)

COMM S101 *Introduction to Mass Communication

3 credits (3+0)
GER. A survey of the mass communications media and their functions in modern society. Topics include newspapers, magazines, books, movies, radio, television, the advertising and public relations industries, and the convergence of mass media in the digital environment.

COMM S111 *Fundamentals of Oral Communication

3 credits (3+0)
GER. Introduction to oral communication focusing on interpersonal, small group, and public speaking processes. Students develop oral communication skills for improving feedback, active listening, language usage, nonverbal behavior, audience analysis, and techniques for speech preparation, delivery and alleviating speaking anxiety.
Prerequisite: WRTG S110 (C 2.00 or better) or placement or concurrent enrollment in WRTG S111.

COMM S218 Studies in Human Communication:

1-3 credits (1-3 +0)
Analysis and application of selected topics from the field of communication. Topics may include but are not limited to: Nonverbal communication, relational communication, discourse, power and ideology, listening, or persuasion. The specific topic is announced in the semester course schedule. May be repeated for credit when content varies.
Prerequisite: WRTG S111 (C 2.00 or better) or instructor permission.

COMM S219 Media Writing

3 credits (3+0)
Covers the fundamentals of fair, balanced and ethical news reporting as well as the basics of public relations for print, broadcast, online and social media. Students will learn about the First Amendment and importance of journalism in a free society. Students will learn how to effectively evaluate and engage in news from various original sources on a regular basis.
Prerequisite: WRTG S111 (C 2.00 or higher) or instructor permission.

COMM S235 *Small Group Communication and Team Building

3 credits (3+0)
GER. Practical application of the theories of interaction, information sharing, decision making, team building, and problem solving to small group situations. Principles of conflict, leadership, group roles, self-evaluation, evidence, and reasoning are explored through group observation, practice and analysis. Students develop oral communication skills by engaging in a variety of individual and group presentations.
Prerequisite: WRTG S111 (C 2.00 or better) or instructor permission.

COMM S237 *Interpersonal Communication

3 credits (3+0)
GER. Understanding and building interpersonal communication skills. Students use experiential and oral performance approaches to explore nonverbal and verbal channels, emotions, empathetic listening, perception, self-disclosure, and conflict in significant personal and professional relationships.
Prerequisite: WRTG S111 (C 2.00 or better) or concurrent enrollment, or instructor permission.

COMM S241 *Public Speaking

3 credits (3+0)
GER. Speaking skills for individual presentations. Preparation, delivery and analysis of speeches in various platform speaking situations. Includes verbal and nonverbal skills, critical thinking in selecting and organizing materials, audience analysis, informative and persuasive presentations.
Prerequisite: WRTG S111 (C 2.00 or better) or instructor permission.

COMM S291 Communication Internship

1-9 credits variable (0+0+ 4-36)
Student work experience while employed (paid or unpaid) by a business or organization, under the supervision of both a qualified professional in the work situation and a faculty member.
Prerequisite: Admission to a program, demonstration of preparation for internship activity, and instructor permission via signed course approval form.

COMM S294 Communication Practicum

1-9 credits variable (0+0+ 4-36)
A classroom or work related project supervised by a faculty member and an on-site individual who supervises the practicum focus area. Emphasis is on practical applications of oral and, to a lesser extent, written communication competencies in an appropriate environment.
Prerequisite: Instructor permission via signed course approval form.

COMM S330 Intercultural Communication

3 credits (3+0)
Understanding the communication process that occurs when people of different cultures interact. Topics include perception, stereotyping, language and non-verbal concepts of kinesics, time and space. Special emphasis on analyzing the communication differences that make a difference with Alaska cultures. This course meets the state requirement for certification in multicultural education.
Prerequisite: Lower division communication course and WRTG S111 or equivalent; or instructor permission.

COMM S335 Organizational Communications

3 credits (3+0)
A practical career-oriented course designed to help students cultivate a repertoire of speaking and listening skills as they prepare for the world of business and the professions. This research based class provides practice opportunities to lead meetings, train peers, and do job interview, performance appraisal, and information gathering. Students will work on a team problem-solving project and practice resolving conflict. Analysis of work settings to understand strategic organizational communication, structure and culture.
Prerequisite: A lower division communication course and WRTG S111 (C 2.00 or better), or instructor permission.

COMM S340 Media Studies

3 credits (3+0)
Examines major theoretical frameworks for analyzing traditional and digital media, and techniques for applying those theories to specific media products and genres. Using various theoretical lenses, students will examine a wide variety of media, including advertising, film, television, news, and the Internet. Students will also investigate economic and political aspects of the media and will explore the ways that race, gender, and class are presented in media products.
Prerequisite: WRTG S211 (C or better) or instructor permission.

COMM S375 Selected Topics in Communication:

0 Credits

COMM S380 Communication Theory

3 credits (3+0)
A review of the research, theoretical assumptions, and modes of the oral communication process. Designed to provide a basic understanding of the basics of oral communication as patterned human behavior. Focus will be on application and critical analysis of theoretical models.
Prerequisite: (C 2.00 or better) in WRTG S211 and one of: COMM S111, S235, S237, or S241; or instructor permission.

COMM S391 Internship:

COMM S394 Practicum:

COMM S418 Advanced Studies in Human Communication:

1-3 credits (1-3 +0)
Analysis and application of selected topics from the field of speech communication. Students having taken COMM S218 may enroll provided that the topics of study are different. Topics may include, but are not limited to, gender communication, oral interpretation, theories of communication, family communication, leadership, nonverbal communication, or persuasion. The specific topic is announced in the semester course schedule. May be repeated for credit when content varies.
Prerequisite: A lower division COMM course, and ENGL/WRTG S211 or ENGL/WRTG S212 (may be concurrent), or instructor permission.

COMM S451 Gendered Interpersonal Communication

3 credits (3+0)
Using a life development approach and emphasizing cultural construction of gender, this course will review sex differences and stereotypes that impact communication. Focuses on communication about women and men, as well as communication between men and women. Class lectures, discussions, individual presentations, and group work will examine current research on gender differences and how these influence communication in personal, professional, education, and media contexts.
Prerequisite: A lower division COMM course or instructor permission.

COMM S491 Advanced Communication Internship

1-9 credits (0+0+ 4-36)
Work experience where a student is employed (paid or unpaid) by a business or organization and is under the supervision of both a qualified professional in the work situation and a faculty member.
Prerequisite: Admission to a program, demonstration of preparation for internship activity, and instructor permission.

COMM S494 Advanced Communication Practicum

1-9 Credits (0+0+4-36)
A classroom or work related project supervised by a faculty member and an on-site individual who supervises the practicum focus area. Emphasis is on practical applications of oral and, to a lesser extent, written communication competencies in an appropriate environment.
Prerequisite: Instructor permission.