Economics (ECON)

ECON S100 *Political Economy

3 credits (3+0)
GER. Introduction to the field of economics, including the history of economic thought and economics as a field of analysis.
Prerequisite: WRTG S110 or higher.

ECON S101 *Principles of Microeconomics

3 credits (3+0)
GER. Presents the tools and concepts needed for analysis of economic decision-making at the level of the individual (consumer, firm, government), and explores how those decisions affect market outcomes such as prices and output. International trade will also be explored. Students planning to take both semesters of economic principles are advised but not required to take ECON S101 first.
Prerequisite: MATH S105 or concurrent enrollment.

ECON S102 *Principles of Macroeconomics

3 credits (3+0)
GER. Provides an introduction to aggregate economic activity. Topics include GDP, inflation, unemployment, monetary and fiscal policy, and economic growth. Particular attention is paid to models addressing macroeconomic equilibrium and the business cycle. Students planning to take both semesters of economic principles are advised but not required to take ECON S101 first.
Prerequisite: MATH S105 or concurrent enrollment.

ECON S321 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

3 credits (3+0)
Analysis of demand and supply under various market structures; theory of production and cost; factor pricing and theory of distribution; and survey of welfare economics.
Prerequisite: ECON S101 and ECON S102.

ECON S324 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory

3 credits (3+0)
Concepts and measurements of national income; analysis of aggregate demand and supply and their relationship to prices, employment, and growth.
Prerequisite: ECON S101 and ECON S102.

ECON S350 Money and Banking

3 credits (3+0)
The liquid wealth system in the United States, to include the commercial banking system, the Federal Reserve and nonbank financial institutions; the regulations of money and credit and its impact on macroeconomic policy objectives.

ECON S375 Current Issues in Economics: Selected Topics

3 credits (3+0)
Covers contemporary topics related to the field of economics. Subjects may focus on areas such as financial crises, labor issues, and ecological economics. May be repeated for credit when content varies.

ECON S391 Internship:

ECON S398 Individual Research

1-3 credits (0+0+ 4-12)

ECON S412 Introduction to Econometrics

4 credits (3+2)
Application of statistical methods in testing economic theories and estimating economic relationships; emphasizes multiple regression analysis. Two hours per week computer lab required.
Prerequisite: ECON S102.

ECON S435 Natural Resource/ Environmental Economics

3 credits (3+0)
Economic analysis of resource uses and development. Topics include economics of renewable resources, forestry, and fisheries; environmental economics, and public resource management. Examples are presented of Alaska resource development and management experience.
Prerequisite: ECON S102.

ECON S463 International Economics

3 credits (3+0)
Pure theory of international trade; comparative cost; terms of trade; factor movements; international disequilibrium; balance of payments and its impact on the national economy, capital movements, economic development through international trade.
Prerequisite: ECON S101 and ECON S102.

ECON S491 Internship:

ECON S498 Research in Economics