ED: Special Education (EDSE)


EDSE S405 Early Childhood Special Education

3 credits (3+0)
Typical and atypical human growth and development in early childhood; family systems and the role of families in supporting development; effects of cultural and linguistic differences on growth and development; cultural perspectives influencing relationships among families, schools, and communities; development and implementation of Individual Family Services Plans and Individual Education Programs for young children with exceptional learning needs. EDSE S405 and EDSE S605 may be stacked.

EDSE S409 Classroom Management and Child Guidance in ECE

3 credits (3+0)
Guidance and management practices based on multiple aspects of typical and atypical child development; current research and theories of child development; using developmentally effective approaches to connect with children and families; techniques to support trust-building and promote healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments for young children with and without exceptional learning needs. This course entails a number of activities that may include observation or field work with young children. This course may be stacked with EDSE S609.

EDSE S410 Assessing Students with Disabilities

3 credits (3+0)
Use of assessment information in making eligibility, program, and placement decisions for individuals with exceptional learning needs, including those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds; basic terminology used in assessment; administration and interpretation of nonbiased formal and informal assessments; screening, pre-referral, referral, and classification procedures; use and limitations of assessment instruments. This course may be stacked with EDSE S610.
Prerequisite: EDSE S482 or concurrent enrollment.

EDSE S412 Curriculum and Strategies: Low Incidence

3 credits (3+0)
Evidence-based strategies to individualize instruction for students with low-incidence disabilities; the development and implementation of Individualized Education Plans for students with intensive needs. Emphasizes functional academics and self-help skills. This course may be stacked with EDSE S612.
Prerequisite: EDSE S410 or concurrent enrollment and passing Praxis Core exams (reading, writing, math).

EDSE S422 Curriculum and Strategies: High Incidence

3 credit (3+0)
Evidence-based strategies to individualize instruction for students with high-incidence disabilities; the development and implementation of Individualized Education Plans for students with mild to moderate disabilities. Emphasizes access to the general curriculum. This course may be stacked with EDSE S622.
Prerequisite: EDSE S410 or concurrent enrollment and passing Praxis Core exams (reading, writing, math).

EDSE S482 Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities

3 credits (3+0)
Models, theories, laws, and philosophies that form the basis for special education practice. Characteristics and educational implications of various exceptionalities; models of consultation and collaboration between general and special educators; strategies for supporting students with exceptional learning needs in inclusive settings. This course may be stacked with EDSE S682.

EDSE S483 Language and Literacy: Assessment and Intervention

3 credits (3+0)
Use of assessment information in designing language and literacy instruction for individuals with exceptional learning needs, including those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds; evidence-based strategies to teach accuracy, fluency, and comprehension in content area reading and written language; alternative and augmentative communication systems. This course may be stacked with EDSE S677.
Prerequisite: EDSE S482.

EDSE S485 Transition Planning for Secondary Students

3 credits (3+0)
Concepts, strategies, and issues involved with supporting secondary students with exceptional learning needs as they transition from high school to other educational, vocational, residential, and/or community contexts. Emphasizes the development and implementation of the transition components of the Individualized Education Program. This course may be stacked with EDSE S685.

EDSE S486 Special Education through the Lens of Alaska Native Peoples

3 credits (3+0)
Major ideas related to increased cultural understanding, decolonization in the field of special education, as well as an Alaska Native perspective on disability studies. An in-depth study of the ways in which special education is delivered across the Alaskan landscape, through Alaska Native and Indigenous primary sources. Through the lens of primary Alaska Native Intellectual Authorities (course videos, articles, speakers, content), promising practices and areas for growth are explored.

EDSE S487 Supporting Student Engagement

3 credits (3+0)
Provides teacher candidates with a set of practices to promote optimal student engagement. Major concepts include trauma informed practice, social and emotional interventions, and the development of individualized intervention plans for K-12 learners with more challenging behavioral profiles. Special attention is paid to the family system, the school setting, and research from a wide variety of intervention orientations.
Prerequisite: EDSE S482 or EDSE S682 or concurrent enrollment.

EDSE S492 Seminar: Special Education

3 credits (3+0)
The student research paper/project should coincide with the student's professional objectives. An oral defense of the paper/project may be required by the student's graduate committee. This course may be stacked with EDSE S692.

EDSE S494 Special Education Practicum

3 credits (1+0+8)
Field-based experiences in diverse school settings and affiliated programs designing and implementing instruction for individuals with exceptional learning needs under the guidance of experienced special educators and university faculty. This course may be stacked with EDSE S694.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

EDSE S495 Professional and Ethical Practice

3 credits (3+0)
Candidates use the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Special Education Standards, UAS School of Education Goals, InTASC standards, and Alaska Teacher Standards to engage in systematic reflection on their work with individuals with exceptional learning needs. Offers a deeper understanding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the impact of major legislation governing the provisions of special education services (e.g. IEP, FAPE, LRE, etc.). This course may be stacked with EDSE S695.

EDSE S605 Early Childhood Special Education

3 credits (3+0)
Typical and atypical human growth and development in early childhood; family systems and the role of families in supporting development; effects of cultural and linguistic differences on growth and development; cultural perspectives influencing relationships among families, schools, and communities; development and implementation of Individual Family Services Plans and Individual Education Programs for young children with exceptional learning needs. This course may be stacked with EDSE S405. Internet access is required.

EDSE S609 Classroom Management and Child Guidance in ECE

3 credits (3+0)
Guidance and management practices based on multiple aspects of typical and atypical child development; current research and theories of child development; using developmentally effective approaches to connect with children and families; techniques to support trust-building and promote healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments for young children with and without exceptional learning needs. This course entails a number of activities that may include observation or field work with young children. This course may be stacked with EDSE S409

EDSE S610 Assessment of Students with Disabilities

3 credits (3+0)
Use of assessment information in making eligibility, program, and placement decisions for individuals with exceptional learning needs, including those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds; basic terminology used in assessment; administration, and interpretation of nonbiased formal and informal assessments; screening, pre-referral, referral, and classification procedures; use and limitations of assessment instruments. This course may be stacked with EDSE S410. Requires Internet access.

EDSE S612 Curriculum and Strategies: Low Incidence

3 credits (3+0)
Evidence-based strategies to individualize instruction for students with low incidence disabilities; the development and implementation of Individual Education Programs for students with intensive needs. Emphasizes functional academics and self-help skills. This course may be stacked with EDSE S412. Requires Internet access.
Prerequisite: EDSE S610 (C 2.00 or better).

EDSE S622 Curriculum and Strategies: High Incidence

3 credits (3+0)
Evidence-based strategies to individualize instruction for students with high incidence disabilities; the development and implementation of Individual Education Programs for students with mild to moderate disabilities. Emphasizes access to the general curriculum. This course may be stacked with EDSE S422. Requires Internet access.
Prerequisite: EDSE S610 (C 2.00 or better).

EDSE S677 Language & Literacy: Assessment & Intervention

3 credits (3+0)
Use of assessment information in designing language and literacy instruction for individuals with exceptional learning needs, including those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds; evidence-based strategies to teach accuracy, fluency, and comprehension in content area reading and written language; alternative and augmentative communication systems. This course may be stacked with EDSE S483. Requires Internet access.

EDSE S682 Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities

3 credits (3+0)
Models, theories, laws, and philosophies that form the basis for special education practice. Characteristics and educational implications of various exceptionalities. Models of consultation and collaboration between general and special educators; strategies for supporting students with exceptional learning needs in inclusive settings. This course may be stacked with EDSE S482. Requires Internet access.

EDSE S685 Transition Planning for Secondary Students

3 credits (3+0)
Concepts, strategies, and issues involved with supporting secondary students with exceptional learning needs as they transition from high school to other educational, vocational, residential, and/or community contexts. Emphasizes the development and implementation of the transition components of the Individual Education Program. This course may be stacked with EDSE S485. Requires Internet access.

EDSE S692 Seminar:

3 credits (3+0)
The student research paper/project should coincide with the student's professional objectives. An oral defense of the paper/project may be required by the student's graduate committee. This course may be stacked with EDSE S492.

EDSE S694 Special Education Practicum

3 credits (1+0+8)
Field-based experiences in diverse school settings and affiliated programs designing and implementing instruction for individuals with exceptional learning needs under the guidance of experienced special educators and university faculty. This course may be stacked with EDSE S494.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.

EDSE S695 Professional and Ethical Practice

3 credits (3+0)
Candidates use the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Special Education Standards, UAS School of Education Goals, Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards, and Alaska Teacher Standards to engage in systematic reflection on their work with individuals with exceptional learning needs. Offers a deeper understanding of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the impact of major legislation governing the provisions of special education services (e.g. IEP, FAPE, LRE). This course may be stacked with EDSE S495.

EDSE S698 Master's Research Project or Portfolio

1-3 credits (0+0+ 4-12)
A research paper, project, or a professional portfolio, jointly approved by the student's graduate committee and the student; to coincide with the student's professional objectives. The portfolio should document the required knowledge and ability to apply the standards set by the UAS School of Education (SOE). Portfolio criteria should be obtained from the SOE or the graduate advisor. The student's graduate committee may require an oral defense of either option.
Prerequisite: Permission of graduate advisor and instructor required.