Justice (JUST)

JUST S102 Fundamentals of CPR and First Aid

1 credit (1+0)
Cross-listed as HS S102. Basic CPR techniques and First Aid for controlling bleeding, shock, seizures, obstructed airway/choking, hot and cold-related emergencies, and diabetic crisis. Signs and symptoms of stroke and heart attack are reviewed, as is use of A.E.D. Safety and prevention practices are discussed. The course meets certification requirements for child care providers, outdoor guides, lifeguards, home health aides, group homes, and certified nurse aids. Course materials are derived from American Safety and Health Institute and American Heart Association guidelines.

JUST S103 Law Enforcement Procedures

4 credits (3+2)
A statutory law course covering individual rights, constitutional safeguards, and rules of evidence. Constitutional issues such as search and seizure, 5th Amendment, and 14th Amendment are studied.

JUST S104 Ethics and Conduct

1 credit (1+0)
Specific instruction in the professional standard law enforcement ethics, conduct, and Community Oriented Policing philosophy. Provides the tactical tools necessary to successfully manage routine transactions as well as extraordinary confrontations. Fosters discussion about values, integrity, and principles as they relate to law enforcement.

JUST S105 Traffic Law and Enforcement

4 credit (2+4)
Covers DUI enforcement, the DUI statute, issues and defenses, pharmacology and toxicology, theory and operation of the intoximeter, courtroom testimony, and case preparation. Accident investigation techniques and field exercises are included.

JUST S106 Enforcement Techniques

3 credits (1+4)
Introduction to the basic skills necessary to use firearms (both pistol and shotgun), operate a motor vehicle under emergency conditions, and use of expandable tactical baton, taser, and oleo capsicum (pepper) spray effectively. A continuum on the use of force, judgment in the use of deadly force, physical defense tactics, and physical arrest.

JUST S107 Criminal Justice

3 credits (3+0)
Course covers physical evidence and crime scene investigation, drug identification and case procedures, arson, sex crimes, and instruction in fingerprinting and investigation practices.