Public Administration (PADM)

PADM S601 Introduction to Public Administration

3 credits (3+0)
Introduction to the field of public administration, dealing with the scope, nature, history, current context, and basic tools in the study of public administration. Topics include the social, economic, and political environments of public administration, bureaucratic politics, power and authority, law, ethics, basic models, and comparative administration. This gateway course for the M.P.A. program provides an introduction to graduate studies, library research skills, and a focus on written and oral communication skills.

PADM S604 Applied Research Methods

3 credits (3+0)
Introduces basic quantitative and qualitative methods of social science research as applied to policy and administrative problems. Addresses research design, data collection and analysis methods, interpretation and evaluation of published research.

PADM S611 Ethics in Public Administration

3 credits (3+0)
Presents the philosophical foundations of modern Western ethics and their application to public managers. Explores practical ethics through examination and analysis of current case studies in public administration.
Prerequisite: Admission to the M.P.A. program or instructor approval.

PADM S613 Public Sector Employment Law

3 credits (3+0)
Explores the history and background of the employment and labor laws covering government and non-profit employees. Collective bargaining will be examined in the context of managing in unionized public sector workplaces. Students will develop a working knowledge of Alaska statutes, regulations and case law as an example of state and local government law in relation to federal law.
Prerequisite: Admission to the M.P.A. program or instructor approval.

PADM S614 Public Policy and Accountability

3 credits (3+0)
Addresses the theoretical analysis and practical application of public policy, including theories of policy formation, with particular emphasis on the political environment of the public and non-profit sectors. Mixed methodologies will be addressed in the analysis of the creation, implementation and evaluation of public policy in the context of administrative law and the construct of ethical decision making.
Prerequisite: Admission to the M.P.A. program or Instructor approval.

PADM S616 Leadership

3 credits (3+0)
Provides an orientation to personal and organizational leadership in public, not-for-profit, and higher education organizations; provides for a deeper understanding of a personal leadership philosophy and the development of leadership ability and skills applicable to individual practice as a public administrator.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree or instructor permission.

PADM S618 Law for Public Managers

3 credits (3+0)
Legal guidelines for adoption, implementation, and adjudication of public agency regulations at federal, state, and local levels. Legislative, executive, and judicial controls on agencies, and the political environment of regulatory action.

PADM S622 Human Resources and Organizational Development

3 credits (3+0)
Provides a comprehensive analysis of individual and group behavior in organizations. Its purpose is to provide an understanding of how organizations can be managed more effectively and at the same time enhance the quality of employees work life. Topics include human resources and strategic planning, leadership, motivation, rewarding behavior, managing stress, individual and group behavior, conflict management, power and politics, job design, organizational structure, decision making, communication, and organizational change and development.
Prerequisite: Admission to the MPA program or instructor approval.

PADM S625 Economics and Public Policy

3 credits (3+0)
Examines economics both as a determinant of public policy and as a tool of the public administration. Topics include how markets allocate resources, the role of government in a market economy, market failures and responses, problems of efficiency vs. equity, and application of microeconomic tools to analysis of Alaska and national policy issues.
Prerequisite: Admitted to MPA program or instructor's approval.

PADM S628 Public Financial Management

3 credits (3+0)
Survey of theory, practice, problems and politics of financial management in governmental units, revenue sources, budgetary planning and control, methods of debt financing, and intergovernmental relationships. Addresses federal, state, and local perspectives.
Prerequisite: Admitted to MPA program or instructor's approval.

PADM S635 Natural Resource Policy

3 credits (3+0)
Analyzes the essentials of natural resource public policy, including decision-making, institutions and players, historic and current issues and trends, and the relationship of policy to administration. The focus is on natural resources as part of a social-ecological system (e.g. timber, wildlife, water, recreation) with attention to modern environmental issues (e.g. air and water quality, waste, acid rain, biodiversity). Special attention is given to issues relevant to Alaska. A stakeholder and sustainability approach will be used to frame the issues.Admission to the M.P.A. program or instructor's approval.

PADM S651 Introduction to Higher Education

3 credits (3+0)
Serves as an introduction to contemporary higher education through application and understanding of student development theory and campus environments. The course includes the foundational history of American higher education as relevant to contemporary administration, curricula, and policy. Basic organizational structure and shared governance and the role of the faculty will be reviewed.
Prerequisite: Admission to the M.P.A. program or instructor's permission.

PADM S653 Organizational Development in Higher Education

3 credits (3+0)
Designed for graduate students interested in the application of organizational theory in higher education to analyze institutions and to study models, methods and processes related to organizational development, all within a framework of change management and leadership.
Prerequisite: Admission to the M.P.A. program or instructor's permission.

PADM S655 Higher Education and Public Policy

3 credits (3+0)
An orientation to higher education administration policy analysis and translating a higher education public agenda into mission aligned strategy and policy.
Prerequisite: Admission to the M.P.A. program or instructor's permission.

PADM S657 Higher Education Law

3 credits (3+0)
Examines legal issues relevant to American colleges and universities. The course will utilize a case study approach to provide students with the fundamental knowledge of higher education law. Topics will include the legal governance of higher education, academic freedom, affirmative action and legal issues pertinent to administration, staff, faculty and students.
Prerequisite: Admission to the M.P.A. program or instructor's permission.

PADM S661 Social Entrepreneurship

3 credits (3+0)
Explore nonprofit organization as a mission-based and market-driven business, as a social enterprise, with an entrepreneurial orientation and management. To foster new growth and effectiveness, leaders and managers in nonprofit organizations need to combine business management knowledge and skills with social sector acumen to yield a sustainable enterprise that produces both financial and social returns.
Prerequisite: Admission to the M.P.A. program or instructor's approval.

PADM S662 Governing Nonprofit Organizations and the Board of Directors

3 credits (3+0)
Explore the development of corporate governance and legal and organizational perspectives of having a governing board for nonprofits. Survey of principles, policies, and practices of corporate governance, and the distinction between governance and management. An overview of distinguishing features in the governance of nonprofits. Examine the roles and responsibilities in nonprofit governance, and the nature, function, and realities of a nonprofit board of directors. Illustrate best practices in building and running the board effectively, with special attention to issues relevant to Alaska.
Prerequisite: Admission to the M.P.A. program or instructor's approval.

PADM S663 Public Social Marketing

3 credits (3+0)
Social marketing offers a revolutionary approach to solving various social problems in health, safety, environmental protection, financial well-being, and community involvement. The purpose of nonprofit public social marketing is to have a way to develop marketing strategies and activities to spread the message of the organization, assist with growth, funding, and prosperity, satisfy consumer and donor needs, and foster desired people's behavior. It focuses on social marketing and how nonprofits, local governments, and other public organizations adopt the best practices in identifying their target market, developing marketing materials, and determining the objectives that marketing campaigns should meet to influence people's behavior change for social good in a changing economic, social, and technological environment.

PADM S688 Program Evaluation

3 credits (3+0)
Introduces students to the theories, concepts, and analytical tools used in the evaluation of public programs and policies. Examines conceptualization and practicality of measures that accurately evaluate performance. Explores the dynamics of evaluating program process and structure in a political environment.
Prerequisite: Admission to the M.P.A. program or instructor approval.

PADM S690 Public Administration Capstone

3 credits (3+0)
Final course in the M.P.A. curriculum. Students review, synthesize and apply concepts and methods learned during the degree program to the evaluation of a public or nonprofit organization. Intended as a program review and assessment tool. Pass/Fail grading.
Prerequisite: Completion of all other M.P.A. requirements.

PADM S691 Internship:

PADM S692 Seminar

PADM S698 Directed Research

1-6 credits (variable)
Investigation of an administrative problem that falls within the scope of the student's program. Topic must be approved by student's advisory committee. The investigation and written report is conducted under the auspices of a designated member of the faculty.
Prerequisite: Instructor approval form required in order to register.